
united planets cycle


How does ʻlittleʼ humankind relate to the immensity of the universe? Karl Van Welden also posed this question to other artists, each starting from their own discipline. This resulted in a side project, the development of the installation BOXES. He invited a number of artists to supply their own contents to a box they were allocated. At first glance every box functioned as a work in itself. Nonetheless, relationships were formed among them – on the one hand, because of a similar thematic approach; on the other hand, through collaboration during the work process. Karl Van Welden filled in one of the boxes himself, leading to the introduction of the PLUTO series.

BOXES: Stefaan Claeys | Wannes Gevaert | Ruben Machtelinckx | Ruben Van Eeckhout | Karl Van Welden

GHENT (BE) | Atelier 30
18-21, 26-29 March 2009 & 27-28 april & 11, 18, 19, 21, 25, 30 May 2009
Concept & sound: Karl Van Welden - Performers: Stefaan Claeys | Julie Descamps | Sieber Marly - Light design & operator: Jelle Moerman - Production: Verenigde Planeten / United Planets vzw & Atelier 30 | Supported by: The Provence of East-Flanders & The City of Ghent

Met het installatieparcours BOXES wou Karl Van Welden nagaan hoe vier andere kunstenaars elk omgingen met de vraagstelling: hoe verhoudt de ‘kleine’ mens zich tegenover de ‘grootsheid’ van het heelal, en dit elk vanuit hun eigen discipline. Elke kunstenaar kreeg een box toegewezen en zorgde voor een eigen invulling. Van Welden vulde zelf één van de boxen in met een voorstudie rond de PLUTO reeks, dat resulteerde in PLUTO I.